Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Family Sunday and Gym time

Well, week two and all is well. I have appointments booked with key staff and key customers. All very exciting. It has to be said the whole structure here is looking a mess. It has not been made that way but has evolved over the years, my mission, and I have chosen to accept it, is to sort it out !

Had an invite to a colleagues house on Sunday and spent the afternoon with Joe, his wife and kids. It was very very pleasant and we spent the time discussing everything from politics to culture to religion. I do love a good discussion, always have, but I have learned in the US that all of these subject matters are very dangerous ground! One thing that the folks in the US have EVERY time is a belief in their country/politics/President. It's interesting that now the election is over the view is the country must support the new President and support the new regime. I think from our UK perspective this could be perceived as arrogant, but the more I see it, the more I think I like it, and if we had a culture built around national pride and civic responsibility many of the "youth culture" problems of today may not be quite as prevalent. If it goes too far you can have the National Front scenario, or it's US equivalent, but from a general view I think on the whole its good. Joe and his family are part of the large Mormon community in the area and are thoroughly decent pleasant people, I got a great understanding of the basis of their beliefs and have to say it was highly interesting, however as things stand it is unlikely I will change my current stance of strong disbelief!!

I rang home today, as is my want, and after the domestic discussions with my better half I had a chat with the kids, it is a little bit lump in the throat sometimes, but today they laughed, they laughed very much. Why ? I happened to mention that as I spend evenings alone and with nothing to do I was going to the gym, and when I came home I would be thin and fit. They thought the fact that I would be healthy was the funniest thing ever, they laughed like adults that have heard a really funny joke, little sods! My darling boy said he would miss being able to rest on my fat tummy!! Just as I was feeling a little miffed at their lack of faith in me, my still darling boy asked if I new what mummy had been doing since I left, suspecting a little gossip I said no, he then said "she's done no washing, she's done no cleaning or cooking" so I just had to ask, "all she has done is smoke cigarettes and play Zelda on the PlayStation" now that is why sometimes, just sometimes, kids can brighten your entire week let alone your day, my turn to laugh !!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ian, you should definitely convert these blogs into a novel! I cant wait for the next blog, you have me really hooked...

    And as for you going to the gym and getting fit...well, I am on the side of Sarah and Sam, and also had a belly laugh at such a outrageous statement!

    I eagerly await your next installment of an English man in Twin falls, and I hope all is going well for you.

    Gym? yeah right hahahaha
